The Pen

This is -undeniably- a bad idea. 
I have no reason to think it will work. 
That gravity will suddenly reverse itself, 
And water will flow backwards, 
Dry and hot as flame. 

Thank God. 

What a joy it is, 
To do the stupid, reckless, foolish things
My heart demands 
With no thought at all to consequence 
Expect to look back and think 
‘God damn, I’m glad I did that.

Holly Payne-Strange’s writing has been lauded by USA Today, LA weekly and The New York Times. Her poetry has been published by various groups including Door Is A Jar magazine, Quail Bell, In Parenthesis, and Red Door among others. She is also the editor of Aardvark and Tarot Literary. She would like to thank her wife for everything.

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