Whispering Blossoms

As I venture up the mountain amid the solemnity of Qingming, the path begins to defy logic, twisting in impossible ways like a Möbius strip. Trees around me whisper riddles, while the tung blossoms glow with an ethereal light, casting dancing shadows to a melody only they can hear. Reaching the summit, I find the monument not just cloaked in moss but humming and shifting, its inscriptions changing as if alive. When I light the incense, the smoke whimsically transforms into dragons, phoenixes, and at one point, a detailed map of the Beijing Underground. The spectral figure, draped in a dark red gown that seems to ripple with its own inner wind, greets me with a chiding tone, You’re late, as she glances at an ancient pocket watch that flickers in and out of existence. Had another appointment? She asks, a wry smile playing on her translucent lips. Are you the lone spirit of this mountain? I venture. She rolls her eyes. No, I’m the mountain’s customer service representative. Qingming Festival is always hectic, she quips, her ghostly form shimmering with a strange charisma. As my homage draws to its close, her form doesn’t just blur; it performs a dramatic, slow-motion fade-out, complete with a ghostly echo of, Remember to rate your spiritual encounter… Turning for one last look, she vanishes, leaving behind tung blossom petals arranged in a cheeky Thank You note, and the fading scent of incense that, inexplicably, smells like bubble gum. In that fleeting encounter, our worlds – one of flesh, one of spirit – touch in a dance of the surreal and the whimsical, before diverging once again into their solitary, yet now slightly more bizarre, journeys.

Huina Zheng, a Distinction M.A. in English Studies holder, works as a college essay coach. She’s also an editor at Bewildering Stories. Her stories have been published in Baltimore Review, Variant Literature, Midway Journal, and others. Her work has received nominations twice for both the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net. She resides in Guangzhou, China with her husband and daughter.

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